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CVS-ACS offers awards and scholarships to students, researchers, and others within within Massachusetts and Connecticut. Scroll down for a links to CVS-ACS, National ACS, and other division awards/scholarships.



Connecticut Valley Section Awards

The John S. Burlew award was established in 1986 by the Connecticut Valley Section of the ACS. The award is supported administered by the Connecticut Valley Section of the ACS.

Fellowships are awarded to fund a student for a full-time 10-week summer research experience in a college or university laboratory within the ACS-CT Valley Section area. 

Two awards are given to women in honor of Dr. Harrison at the Annual CVS-ACS Undergraduate Symposium, one for best poster and one for best short talk.

Student Travel Grants

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ACS Division & Other Awards


The Rising Star Award is to recognize up to 10 outstanding individuals* approaching mid-level careers who have demonstrated outstanding promise to their respective fields.


This award recognizes eight individuals who will represent their research at an awards symposium held during the Fall ACS national meeting.


The Hancock Award provides national recognition and travel funds to outstanding undergraduate and graduate students who are working to further the goals of green chemistry and/or engineering.


The Heh-Won Change Fellowship provides financial support to full-time graduate students conducting research in green chemistry and or/engineering.


The Heh-Won Change Fellowship provides financial support to full-time graduate students conducting research in green chemistry and or/engineering.


Electrochemistry Award
Advancing the field of electrochemical analysis. The award may be used to help defray travel expenses in the Division's award ceremony which are not covered separately by the division. 


This scholarship is for female undergraduate majors in chemistry or related disciplines who are beginning their junior of senior years of study.


This award recognizes an undergraduate for her efforts in overcoming hardship to achieve success in chemistry.


The Nina McClelland Memorial Award sponsors the participation of postdoctoral scholars from both U.S. and international institutions to attend the annual GC&E Conference and present their work.


The Ciba Travel Awards sponsor the participation of undergraduate and graduate students studying at institutions in the U.S. to attend the GC&E Conference and present their work.


Chemical Instrumentation Award
Advancing the field of chemical instrumentation. The award may be used to help defray travel expenses in the Division's award ceremony which are not covered separately by the division. 


The Heh-Won Change Fellowship provides financial support to full-time graduate students conducting research in green chemistry and or/engineering.


© 2024 Connecticut Valley Section
American Chemical Society

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